Green Campus
RISHI is a Green Campus, spreads over a beautiful and sprawling area of 5.2 acres with a serene and congenial atmosphere ideally suited for technical education.

A standby power generator is provided in the campus to take care of the occasional power shut down due to maintenance and other reasons. In RISHI “Anti Ragging Committee” is constituted which takes necessary timely steps to ensure that no ragging takes place within the campus or outside.Infrastructure
In RISHI the infrastructure and facilities available on campus are amongst the very best. It is a wholly self-contained campus comprising of everything that students would ever require.
- Open Auditorium
- Canteen
- Special room for Women
- First Aid facilities

The has well equipped labs and workshops, computing facilities, well stocked library with good collection of books and journals, sufficient computers. In RISHI a campus wide wireless computing network (WIFI) is in place that allows faculty, staff and students to log on to the Internet at any point of time in the campus. It is also equipped with round-the-clock CCTV surveillance. The classrooms are facilized with computers and well furnished.
Advanced learning Facilities for students and faculty
Advance learning facility is provided to students and staff for conducting seminars, webinars, and other technical activities.
- Laptop computer
- LCD projectors
- DVD and CD player
- E-learning
- CCTV surveillance
- Seminar hall
- Drawing hall
- Experiment and computer labs
Library is the heart of an Academic Institution. RISHI encourages all students and staff members to make the best use of the library that has been carefully built up since the inception of the college. It is housed in a spacious area with Reference Section, Magazine Section and Stack Area and provided with necessary books in the fields of Engineering, Management, Basic Science and Humanities for the benefit of staff and students. It subscribes necessary books, specialized and international journals. Every effort is being made to obtain all necessary books, national and international magazines recommended by the faculty on regular basis.
Newspapers, weekly and fortnightly magazines of repute are subscribed to enable the students to keep abreast of day-to-day trends. The library comprises of an Audio-Visual section equipped with videocassettes and CDs. The college library is fully computerized.

Digital Library
The college has digital library, available to the students and faculty. For E-Journals and E-books visit https://ndigitalonline.comFollowing is the present collection of books:
SL no | STREAM | No.of Titles | No. Of volumes |
1 | Electronics and communication engineering | 663 | 2816 |
2 | Computer Science engineering | 852 | 2928 |
3 | Information technology engineering | 214 | 1042 |
4 | Humanities | 633 | 3104 |
5 | Electrical engineering | 226 | 1074 |
6 | General | 137 | 561 |

The outdoor games and indoor game facilities for students and staff.
Indoor game:
- Carrom
- Chess
- Batminton
Outdoor games:
The facilities available in the campus to play outdoor games
- Kabaddi
- Kho kho
- Tug of war
- Athletics
- Throw ball
- Yoga
- Cricket