Dr. K.R.N. Kiran Kumar
B.E (CSE). M.Tech (CSE). Ph D (CSE)
B.E (CSE). M.Tech (CSE). Ph D (CSE)
Dr. K. RAMA NAGA KIRAN KUMAR, Currently working as a Principal at Rishi MS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Hyderabad. He obtained his Ph.D from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P., in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, M.Tech from JNTUH, Hyderabad, in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. B.E from Madras University, Chennai, in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. He is having 22+ years of experience in teaching and research. He worked at various capacities like Principal, Head at reputed engineering colleges.