Humanities & Sciences
The department comprises of seven disciplines namely, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Physical Education and Library Sciences. The prime focus of the department is to provide a conceptual base in Basic Sciences which form a foundation to the Engineering subjects and it is instrumental in grooming the students into competent Engineers and individuals through training in Soft Skills, to compete for global opportunities. In view of the rapid development of knowledge and the technological changes, the department seeks to strengthen itself by integrating it with the engineering departments for a productive knowledge base. The department has been encouraging the conduct of workshops and seminars to enable the faculty to keep abreast of the knowledge and methodologies in the respective fields of research. The present intake is 300 spared across 3 branches. All the first-year students are administered by the department. It is a full-fledged department consisting of experienced and well qualified members of faculty in their subjects and committed to their profession. Laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and English language are fully equipped with modern equipment’s to meet the requirements of the syllabus and replenished as and when necessary. All the class rooms for I-B. Tech are established in well-furnished independentbuilding with a congenial atmosphere.