1. Nurture and oversee innovation and entrepreneurship.
2. Establish college as a Centre for Excellence in Innovation through inter disciplinary programs.
3. To create opportunities for students to build their Academic Profile for a successful career.
4. Enhance productivity in our youth and channel their intellect to improvise and invent for the benefit of society.
5. Encouraging research activities in the college campus.
6. Facilitating students to identify their goals as per their capability to fulfill their professional life.
7. Improvise students bit by bit up until their realization for their best version.
1. Fostering Innovation and Research that will lead to competitive development
2. Promoting new technology/knowledge/innovation-based start-ups.
3. Provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by the host institution or by any academic/ technical/ R&D institution.
4. To build a vibrant start-up ecosystem, by establishing a network between academia, financial institutions, industries and other institutions.
5. Aiming to provide cost effective, value added services to start-ups like mentoring, legal, technical, intellectual property related services.
2020-21 :
To Support Entrepreneurial Rishi MS received MSME HEI Incubation cell approval on Jan 4th 2020. 10 student idea’s in AgriTech, Smart Cities, EduTech themes were submitted to MSME in Feb 2020. Students from 2019 to 2020 where trained by ISB (Technology Entrepreneurship program) and Hysea (Android Maker space)
2) IDEAS 2021 MSME program initiated on Jan 31st to support and guide community in building Entreprenuership mindset. Rishi MS promoted the program. Rishi MS guided 36 external users in refining ideas and supported with process of Business plan documentation
1) Rishi MS associated with ISB Technology Entrepreneurship program through Telangana academy for skill and knowledge. Rishi MS 21 students worked on three themes and conducted research .
- Edutech
- Agritech
- Smart city projects